Here you can read the complete interview that BLu ACiD recently did with Kendra Beltran for Zo Magazine
Here you can read the complete interview that BLu ACiD recently did with Kendra Beltran for Zo Magazine
here is the complete text of an interview Boo Boo Davis did wiht David Baerst last month before his show in Strasbourg (France):
Nda : Quelques jours avant l’entretien qui suit, Jan Mittendorp (le manager de Boo Boo Davis) m’a gentiment prévenu. Interviewer ce bluesman du Mississippi n’est pas une chose aisée, c’est une véritable aventure dont on ne peut jamais connaitre l’issue à l’avance. L’artiste ne suit pas règle précise et peut répondre par un sujet tout autre que celui sur lequel on l’a questionné.C’est donc avec une certaine appréhension que je me suis rendu à notre rendez-vous…
Là, je me suis retrouvé face à un être charmant, doté d’un grand sens de l’humour bien que marqué par de profondes stigmates, inhérentes à une existence pour le moins difficile. D’emblée, le bonhomme m’avertit lui aussi : « ce ne sera pas facile pour toi, je ne parle pas anglais…je m’exprime dans le langage des bluesmen du delta, un « dialecte » que seuls les gens tels que moi peuvent saisir ». Chose parfaitement compréhensible, tant la vie de cet artiste né en 1943, semble éloignée de celle que nous pouvons connaitre, aujourd’hui, en Europe. Travaillant dès son plus jeune âge dans les champs de coton, il a souffert de la ségrégation raciale et s’est réfugié dans la religion ainsi que dans la musique. Harmoniciste dès l’âge de 5 ans à l’église, puis guitariste et batteur se produisant au sein du groupe familial Lard Can Band (nommé ainsi car, ne pouvant se permettre d’acheter une batterie complète, le jeune homme s’exerçait sur des seaux métalliques contenant de la graisse de porc), Boo Boo s’est lancé dans une carrière d’accompagnateur avant d’être repéré par le fondateur du label Black & Tan. Depuis, il a signé (en tant que chanteur-harmoniciste) une bonne douzaine d’albums qui rendent grâce à son immense talent.
Quelques heures après notre entretien, sur scène, Boo Boo Davis a démontré à l’occasion d’un impressionnant concert qu’il était l’un des derniers représentants du blues originel…un diamant d’une rare pureté…
Continue reading interview Boo Boo Davis with David Baerst (France)
today we released a new record of David Philips
B&T 962 – David Philips – Winter
November 2016 to March 2017 David Philips locked himself in his studio and spent the winter months writing and recording new material. Harking back to the full band sound of his debut album, but this time with a grittier sound centred mainly around the electric guitar and his new found love of the drum kit. Very much the studio loner David wrote, recorded and produced the whole record himself, playing all instruments and also designing the artwork. David says of the writing process : “With these songs I was experimenting with a new way of writing, something much more spontaneous, organic and immediate, trying my best to keep the inner critic at bay for as long as possible. I was able to centre the songs around what I hope are strong hooks and allowing myself to write with the electric guitar rather than the acoustic gave the songs a different energy.” Stylistically sitting somewhere between Ryan Adams and Doyle Bramhall II, yet as ever with his own instantly recognisable sound, Philips mixes pop, blues, rock and a touch of soul on this compact and to the point collection of 8 new songs entitled simply “Winter.”
The music will be released digital only and is available on all download and streaming platforms.
ElectroBluesSociety just released a new track / video on YouTube and SoundCloud. This one is called ROXY AND is based on some Roxy Music samples. Enjoy !!
Wow – so wenig braucht es, um Delta-Blues in maximaler Intensität zu spielen, denkt man zu Beginn des Konzerts, auf das Bluesfans schon lange hingefiebert haben. Als einer der letzten Überlebenden der Ursprünge des Mississippi-Blues wird der 73-jährige Boo Boo Davis angekündigt. Und auch die Niederlande bringen Deltafeeling hervor, wie Blues-Gitarrist Jan Mittendorp und Schlagzeuger John Gerritse beweisen. Mittendorp ist ein Meister des Grooves, beherrscht in stoischer Gelassenheit markige Bassläufe, zwischen die er melodische Akkorde setzt. Jede Nummer erhält ein um wenige Maschen abgeändertes Bassmuster, für Boo Boo Davis stets das genau Richtige. Davis verbindet Gesang und Harmonikaspiel reibungslos und geschickt Akzente setzend. Seine Stimme bietet er in zwei Lagen an, mal gepresst, mal unverhohlen klagend. Auch die lautere Variante behält durchwegs einen geerdeten Grundton. Ohne je am Mississippi-Delta gewesen zu sein, wo Davis aufgewachsen ist, glaubt man: So singt nur, wer von dort kommt. Nach jedem Stück dankt Davis erst dem Publikum, dann – gen Himmel schauend – “Dave”, seinem guten Geist . . .
BLu Acid – HCN
This is a compilation of six tracks released as singles in 2015 and 2016 by this Dutch duo of vastly experienced guitarist Mischa Den Haring and Black & Tan Records owner/ producer Jan Mittendorp, who decided to carry on working together as BLu ACiD after success with St Louis bluesman Boo Boo Davis. This release is undeniably cutting edge contemporary blues, with a huge sound (listen to grooving ‘Stuck Anyway’ with a monster slide guitar riff), classic soul influences, as the Otis Redding inflected vocal on ‘Silence’ confirms, and the rave styled ‘Things Will Change’. That last title is rather apt for this set – this is the blues for a generation raised on electronic dance music, hip hop, and remix culture. As such, it might not attract much of the traditional blues audience, but my kids actually stopped and listened – and they don’t do that if I play Muddy, BB or Elmore!
Norman Darwen
March 24, Strasbourg (F), Au Camionneur
March 25, Aachen (D), Musikbunker
March 26, Rostock (D), Zwischenbau
March 27, Bad Brambach (D), Cafe Grenzland
March 28, Passau (D), Cafe Museum
March 29, Passau (D), Cafe Museum
March 31, Ulft (NL), DRU Cultuurfabriek
April 1, Friedrichsrode (D), Kunsthof
April 2, Koln (D), Torburg
April 6, Groningen (NL), Noise of the North @ de Spiegel
April 7, Rorschach (CH), Jazzclub
April 8, Thun (CH), Cafe Mokka
April 14, Deventer (NL), De Hip
April 15, Arnstadt (D), Rockjungfer
April 16, Döbeln (D), KL 17 Liveclub
April 19, Lublin (PL), Graffiti
April 20, Olomouc (CZ), Bounty Rock Cafe
April 21, Dobromierz (PL), Dobro Blues
April 22, Lodz (PL), Pub Keja
April 23 (afternoon), Chorzow (PL), Sztygarka (Bluestracje)
April 23 (evening), Suszec (PL), Gminny Ośrodek Kultury
April 24, Mikolow (PL), Miejski Dom Kultury
April 25, Ostrava (CZ), Klub Parnik
Prendete un locale sperduto nel Nord dell’Olanda, infilateci un pubblico partecipe (cosa ormai rara) e un trio che suona un blues sincero e che gli piace farlo. Risultato? Un onesto disco di blues che ti viene vo- glia di riascoltare immaginando di poter essere stato tra i fortu- nati presenti. Questo trio è capitanato da Boo Boo Davis, un mississippiano DOC, nato e cresciuto a Drew nel cuore del Delta, e questo lo si capisce alla prima battuta. Certo che aver avuto a casa propria personaggi come John Lee Hooker, Elmore James o Robert Pete Williams, intenti a suonare col proprio padre, non dev’essere un’esperienza da tutti i giorni e, forse, qualcosa di quelle magiche atmosfere deve per forza esserti rimasta dentro. Sia come sia questa magia emerge da questo “Live And Almost Unplugged” e ci rega- la una sana lezione di blues, dove quel che conta è quel che si dice e non quel che si fa. Lezione che dovrebbero imparare tutti coloro che si approcciano al blues come se fosse una competizione col diavolo o più semplicemente con gli altri “colleghi”. Partita persa prima che inizi, cari miei e il settantatreenne Boo Boo Davis ve lo può dimostrare. Un solo microfono al centro della sala del piccolo Cafe de Amer, il pubblico a due passi e il concerto ha inizio. Boo Boo con la sua armonica e voce è sostenuto da un ottimo Jan Mittendorp alla chitarra e da John Gerritse alla batteria. Non serve altro. Il loro blues fa tutto, dall’iniziale “Ice Storm” via via fino alla conclusiva “St. Louis Woman”, tutti brani scritti da questo trio. È difficile stabilire quale sia la miglior canzone, l’abilità di questi musicisti è quella di aver creato un tappeto sonoro capace di coinvolgere il pubblico olandese come l’ascoltatore a casa, portandolo con l’immaginazione nelle terre piatte del Mississippi dove le ombre al tramonto si allungano sui campi come fantasmi e al crocicchio gli alberi la notte si trasformano in diavoli tentatori. Allora, non esitate, fatevi ten- tare da Boo Boo Davis, qualcosa da insegnarvi lui ce l’ha.
It might be mid-March but Winter is coming…the new musical concoction from David Philips, that is. The British ex-pat singer-songwriter performed his familiar ritual of holing himself up in his home studio and emerged with a fresh batch of recorded originals. Winter, recorded over much of this still-lingering cold season, is expected to drop in late March/early April through Black And Tan Records, but the folks over at Black and Tan have already provided a preview of what to expect. “Home” is the advance single from Philips’ newest creation, now available in digital form, and streamable above. What is immediately noticeable from followers of Philips is that he went ‘full band’ this time, not unlike 2015’s If I Had Wings but all instrumentation here and the rest of the album is handled by Philips alone and he remains firmly on the folk reservation this time. Actually, Winter could be thought of as a proper follow-up to his debut record. Still, it’s a bit of a jolt to hear his twelve-string acoustic guitar soon joined by harmonica, bass, drums, backing vocals and more guitars. What isn’t different is a voice with the warm soulfulness of Aaron Neville and a bright melody that sticks with you long after the last chord rings out. David Philips might change his tactics from time to time but the overall strategy of delivering quality, hand-made folk music never wavers.
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