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review David Philips – Get Along

His vocals are smooth and silky while his accompaniment is simple and pure.  This album is a treasure trove, with eight new songs, three acoustic demos and two remastered songs from his vast catalog.  Regardless of whether the track is full band or acoustic demo, it is Philips’ voice that shines through.  This album provides the perfect soundtrack for your down time, and will provide you with a plethora of repeat-worthy song.  The smooth jazz and bluesy feel of “Another Day,” “My Gravity,” and “Nowhere” and the amazing instrumental “Red on Yellow” alone are worth the price of the CD.

Recommendation:  Make a wise investment and Get this one today!

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review new single ElectroBluesSociety on

Dat de blues tegenwoordig ook, deels, via elektronische wijze tot je kan komen wordt hier bewezen door het Hollandse duo ElectroBluesSociety. Bestaand uit de ervaren blues rotten Jasper Mortier (drums, bas), die o.a. speelde bij Preston Shannon, Melvin Taylor en Monti Amundsen, en Jan Mittendorp (gitaar, electronica), die speelde bij o.a. Boo Boo Davis, Percy Strother en Roscoe Chenier. Op deze digitale single wordt het duo bijgestaan door Cuban Heels zanger Jan Hidding. De elektronica vind je in dit nummer voornamelijk terug in samples en elektro ritmes. Het nummer opent met de lome bas van Jasper Mortier met gesampelde (?) keyboards en zacht bonkend elektroritme. De galmende zang van Jan Hidding is  daarna door het nummer heen te vinden in gesampelde vorm. Het nummer ontwikkelt zich langzaam tot een loom funky bluesnummer waarin de broeierige gitaar voor een haast swamprock gevoel zorgt. Een nummer met een hypnotiserend geluid dat zeker naar meer doet smaken. Deze digitale single is een fraai voorbeeld van een samenwerking tussen de blues en elektronica. Met een heel apart en pakkend resultaat als gevolg. Hopelijk volgt er binnenkort een volledig album en ik ben ook benieuwd of we dit duo ook ooit live als een complete band te zien gaan krijgen.

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review David Philips in SomethingElseReviews

As singer-songwriters go, the thing that makes David Philips stand out whether he’s making an acoustic-based bare-bones record or a more fully produced affair is that he’s got a lot of soul. It’s there in his voice and present in his melodies. Just as 2017’s Winter titled toward his rock side, Get Along, his latest from Black And Tan Records, makes that soul more overt. Philips has never been afraid to put out his rougher recordings, he embraces it and it’s really to our benefit because there’s nothing to hide and nothing critical is missing from the demos. This time — and he’s done this with a song actually called “This Time” — he’s putting his rough-hewn product side-by-side with his (relatively) polished handiwork, which in either case all the chores are handled by him, and it’s hard to tell which version is better. The demo version of “My Gravity” is full of funky spirit with Philips accompanied himself only with an acoustic guitar. That was placed immediately following the fully developed version of the same song, which has its own charms but the raw version remains just as satisfying. The blues “Nowhere” (video below) is also paired with its demo version but it’s the stripped down take that’s more energetic and played in a higher key, altered to the point that you could be forgiven for thinking it’s an entirely different song. Philips uncorks some nasty blues harp in the middle of it, too; there might not be much musically he can’t do like a boss. Folk-soul, head-nodding, finger tapping rhythm and blues in an down-home wrapper is what make full band tracks such as “Another Day,” “Trim” and remakes of his own tunes “Mountain To Climb” and “When I’m Drunk” so irresistible. As a bonus, Philips’ jazz background makes a rare overt appearance on the instrumental fusion-ish number “Red On Yellow.” One thing that isn’t rare at all about a Philips record is that it’s all done by himself, from the composing to the playing and singing, to the production, engineering and mastering. But DIY isn’t for everybody, only for those who can do it all and do it all right. Philips is clearly that guy, and now we know that even when he does something by himself two different ways, both ways are the ‘right’ way. Get Along is available now digitally and available in CD form in September 2018 for those who also want more of Philips’ avian art to enjoy.

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new release David Philips

today we released:

B&T 044 – David Philips – Get Along

David Philips continues with his D.I.Y. approach for this his 7th album to date and his 6th on Black And Tan Records. Infusing Blues, Soul and Americana, he plays all the instruments on the record and also produced and recorded the album himself, as well as providing the hand drawn artwork. “Get Along” has a more upbeat and positive slant in terms of the songwriting compared to previous releases and although a full band sound is featured on most tracks, Philips still manages to keep things raw, organic and centered around his voice and acoustic guitar playing. With 8 new songs, 2 reworkings of old Philips classics and 3 acoustic demo bonus tracks, “Get Along” is the culmination of a lifetime of music making and music appreciation, showing how Philips continues to mature as both a performer, songwriter and producer.

This new record will be released digital now and later this year (September) we will follow with a physical release containing some more bird artwork from David.

Here are the links to the new release at a few popular platforms: