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Black and Tan stock clearance

Since regular sales of CD’s have almost disappeared it is time to clear our stock. This is the moment for CD collectors to get your missing items from the Black and Tan catalogue. We can offer you the following titles. The more CD’s you order the better the deal as you can see at the price list below.

Cat #ArtistTitle
CD B&T 001Roscoe ChenierRoscoe Style
CD B&T 002Percy StrotherHome At Last
CD B&T 003Big George Jackson Blues BandBeggin’ Ain’t For Me
CD B&T 004Dave MacKenzieOld, New, Borrowed & Blue
CD B&T 006Erskine OglesbyBlues Dancin’
CD B&T 010Erskine OglesbyHonkin’ & Shoutin’
CD B&T 011Sunset TravelersFor The Sake Of It
CD B&T 019Ernie PayneCoercion Street
CD B&T 023Billy Jonestha’ Bluez
CD B&T 025Harrison KennedyVOICE + STORY
CD B&T 027Roscoe ChenierWaiting For My Tomorrow
CD B&T 028Turnip GreensCarry Me Down The Aisle
CD B&T 030Billy Jonesmy Hometown
CD B&T 031VAKeeping Living Music Alive vol. 2
CD B&T 036miXendorpblues + beat
CD B&T 039Tangled EyeDream Wall  
qtytotal price (shipping included)
1 CD€ 7,00
2 CD€ 12,50
3 CD€ 16,00
4 CD€ 19,00
5 CD€ 22,00
6 CD€ 24,00
7 CD€ 27,00
9 CD€ 29,00
10 CD€ 30,00

Send me us mail with the requested CD’s and your postal address. We will then send you a PayPal payment request. As soon as the money arrives we will put the CD’s in the mail.

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new single Bone Union Records

Today we released a new single on Bone Union Records.

BUR 1103 – Sarp Keskiner & Kemal Begtas – Nobody Has No Time (to Listen to Music Completely)

Coming from overtly eclectic backgrounds by means of musical tastes and practices, “Nobody Has No Time (to Listen to Music Completely)” is a singular collaboration effort of two veterans of Smyrnian music scene. Recorded in 2017 and only broadcasted on Vimeo briefly before, the unreleased track suggests a unique blend, based on old school Mancunian beats resembling early 90’s, with a pinch of Mediterranean salt and a spoonful of gravy. This track shall be called and treated as a strict imposer of “Izmir sound”.

Kemal Begtaş: Irish bouzouki, bass, beats
Sarp Keskiner: electric rhythm and slide guitars

Recorded, arranged, edited and mixed by Kemal Begtas (Izmir, Turkey – 2017)

The single is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms. Here are the links to a few popular ones:

Bone Union Records was founded in June 2020 by Sarp Keskiner (TR) and Jan Mittendorp (NL) in order to create a ground for mutual cultural exchange. The label aims to document a neglected musical scene in Turkey not just by releasing archival material from mid-90’s to this date; but also keen on releasing brand new material from Turkish artists. Though the scope mainly consist rare recordings of local traditional blues, urban blues and gospel acts, the material varies wildly by inclusion of folk, funk, dub, noise and experimental releases, that goes way beyond the borders of conventional blues. Thus, the label supports any musical efforts to improve the chances of exchange of blues and neighboring genres between Netherlands and Turkey.