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review for miXendorp from Hungary

Négyszámos EP-vel jelentkezett miXendorp

Számosan akadtak olyanok, akik az új korok kihívásainak megfelelően megkísérlik megújítani a több mint százéves múltra visszatekintő blues műfajt. Közéjük tartozik a holland Jan Mittendorp is az egyszemélyes projektjével, a miXendorppal. A project indulása az elmúlt évtized elejére tehető, ekkor jelent meg az első lemeze, a Blues + Beat, amit Európa-szerte fellépések követtek. Mittendorp néhány hónapja új dalokat kezdett írni. Ezek a blues, jazz, world music, funk, techno és mindenféle más zenének az eredeti és eklektikus keverékét képezik. Az új nótákat tartalmazó négyszámos EP Xperimental Trance Electro Blues címmel novemberben digitális formában látott napvilágot. miXendorp nem áll le, jövő év elejére további felvételeket ígér.

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review new miXendorp EP

Also known as Jan Mittendorp, one-half of the ElectroBluesSociety, Mixendorp (or DJ MiXendorp) spins blues licks into thick, tasty electronic bangers. The cohesion is so thick that there’s no way to separate one from the other.

And yes, there are Boo Boo Davis samples rambling through here. I suppose this could be called an EBS side project, but it’s simply a slinkier, more electronic version. Jasper Mortimer’s bass and percussion is missing (and those bounding bass lines are an obvious loss), but it’s also interesting hearing one side of the EBS conversation.

A side that is fully-rooted in the blues and electronic music. If you cannot imagine how blues-influenced music could fit in on a club floor, about ten seconds of this will be all the convincing you need.

Just as addictive and accessible as any EBS set. Some people know how to mold music into beautiful new forms. And some us that as a launching pad for something transcendent. Four tracks are hardly enough, but they instill a wonder that will glow for an eon or two.

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review for new track Bacon Fat Louis & miXendorp

There are certain unspoken rules in life. For instance, if a toddler hands you a plastic phone and tells you it’s for you, you answer that phone. Another is if someone suggests you a song that is “some RL Burnside, a slice of the Legendary Shack Shakers, some parts of Bob Log’s helmet, a few pieces of T-model Ford and a little bit of Left Lane Cruiser [in a blender] remixed by miXendorp and his bluestronica and electro blues” you hit play.

Out of the Netherlands, miXendorp has remixed bluesy “steaming no-nonsense boogie with a little taste of that fine voodoo garage-sound” Bacon Fat Louis and dished up a reimagining of “My Demands” via the independent record label & publishing Netherlands-based Black and Tan Records.

“My Demands (Remix)” is an electronic fusion of Bacon Fat Louis’ final track off their 2021 album Bfl#3 and packed with stuttered riffs and hip-moving beats that fuse a sense of classic blues with modern electronic concepts. The remix ups the swagger and tonal presence of an already catchy blues track while infusing an energy that is less club and more open-ranged.

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new remix Bacon Fat Louis by miXendorp

today we released:

B&T 996 – My Demands (remix) – Bacon Fat Louis & miXendorp

Recently the guys from BACON FAT LOUIS send a few tracks to miXendorp and asked him to do his magic to them. Here is the first result.

The band, existing for almost ten years, has now definitely found their own way! No complicated bullshit just some hot steaming no-nonsense boogie with a little taste of that fine voodoo garage-sound and always keeping the Blues as the foundation.

Imagine in some RL Burnside, a slice of the Legendary Shack Shakers, some parts of Bob Log’s helmet, a few pieces of T-model Ford and a little bit of of Left Lane Cruiser. All of that with that remixed by miXendorp and his bluestronica and electro blues.

The single is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms.