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new EP miXendorp

today we released

More trax from miXendorp in his bluestronica series.

The new EP contains three new instrumental trax (on What ? some added vocal samples of Boo Boo Davis). This music is best described an eclectic mix of blues, other musical styles and electronic manipulation.

The EP is available on all download and streaming platforms.

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from Hungaryálogatásalbum török bluesmuzsikusokkal

A török Sarp Keskiner és a holland Jan Mittendorp által 2020 júniusában alapított Bone Union Records célja, hogy egy elhanyagolt törökországi zenei szcénát dokumentáljon a kilencvenes évek óta keletkezett archív felvételek, valamint a török zenészek vadonatúj anyagainak kiadásával. A lemezkiadó Turkish Back Porch Scene című sorozata a Törökországban eddig megörökített legautentikusabb blues-előadásokat tartalmazza. A kizárólag digitálisan megjelenő sorozat első részében Sarp Keskiner, a Moe Joe, Bora Celiker, a The Old Ramblers, a Buca Blues Trio, továbbá Türker Ozer és Orhun Keskinbicak duójának egy-egy 1997 és 2023 között rögzített dala hallható.

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review for new release Bone Union Records

Various Artists ‘Turkish Back Porch Scene EP: Vol. 1’

Hovering Delta slide, bluegrass and heat melting dirt music from the imagined back porches of various (of all places) venues in Turkey, by a clutch of blues-imbibed players, the inaugural EP from the Bone Union label is authentically rich with the genre’s history and legacy, and yet freshly inviting and worth the entrance fee. A mix of standards (Sarp Keskiner’s faithful version of Mississippi Fred McDowell’s quivered sliding ‘Big Stars Falling’) and originals (Bora Çeliker’s ambled old-timer wistful ‘Pine Hill Blues’), each performance is as close as you can get to its source: homage but also the act of passing down to a new generation some of the most authentic of roots sounds. The geography and destination will of course surprise many; a different angle for sure, and reminder that the Blues is universal: think a Turkish Sun Records meets Alan Lomax.

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new release Bone Union Records

Today we released a new EP

Though enjoying a well-respected position in blues mythology; back porches are pack porches everywhere on earth at the end of the day, as those semi-public spaces always host the most sincere, intimate musical gatherings reflecting the essence of solidarity of local clusters whilst exposing many grass-roots hints on what was or is happening on the local scenes. Other than being assertive on the authenticity of locations in order to advocate the organic essence of the performances; “Turkish Back Porch Scene” series of Bone Union Records aim at presenting an never-unheard-before collection as featuring a modest sum of musical gatherings whilst promoting the most authentic blues performances recorded in Turkey up to this date.

Go grab a bottle of “arak” and a smoked drumstick to enjoy this grass-roots compilation. Further volumes are about to arrive.

The music is available on all download and streaming platforms.

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new EP Rivherside

today we released:

Until recently, Renaud (Villet) was absolutely not considering a return of Rivherside, a project that he left aside since 2016. And then recently, a very simple guitar riff came to him, first on acoustic guitar. He decided to record it, and put a big fuzz sound. He really enjoyed it, and he made a full track in a couple of days, adding other guitar parts, bass, keyboards and drums.

He then realized that it sounded like Rivherside, a mix of dirty roots sound and drum samples, produced entirely with a computer. He sent the song to us offering to release it as a single. We immediately accepted!

Then Renaud realist that he had to take advantage of the opportunity and his inspiration to make a few more tracks with the same vibe. So here is a new EP of 4 fairly short instrumentals, made in a hurry, which he named “Instrumental Cheap Fuzz Blues EP”.

The EP is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms.

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more bluestronica

Today we released a new EP

more trax from miXendorp in his bluestronica series

The new EP contains three new instrumental trax and the music is best described an eclectic mix of blues, other musical styles and electronic manipulation.

Available from today on all download and streaming platforms

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more bluestronica

today we released:

B&T 2002 – miXendorp – Bluestronica Trax 2023 Complete

2023 has been a productive year for miXendorp; he wrote and recorded a collection of new instrumental trax.

He calls them BLUESTRONICA: an eclectic mix of blues, other musical styles and electronic manipulation.

Most of the trax on this album have already been released in 2023 on a series of EP’s but there are also a few new.

You will find the new compilation on all of your favorite download and streaming services.

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new EP miXendorp

today we released on Black and Tan Records

This brandnew new EP in the BLUESTRONICA series contains three new and instrumental trax. You will find an eclectic mix of blues, other musical styles and electronic manipulation.

The new EP is released digital and is availalbe on all download and streaming platforms

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review from Hungary

BUR 1118 – MoeJoe – Live in 2002 & 2009

Moe Joe – koncertfelvételek a török zenekartól

A Moe Joe nevű formációt, amelyet „a valaha volt első törökországi elektromos blueszenekarnak” neveznek, Feramerz Ayadi és Vefa Karatay 1994 augusztusában alapította. Az együttes induláskor a háború utáni Chicago blues klasszikusokra helyezte a hangsúlyt, így idővel Törökország különböző városaiban a fellépéseiknek otthont adó helyszínek a helyi purista közönség menedékévé váltak. 1996-ban Sarp Keskiner (ének, gitár és szájharmonika) és Ilhan Babaoglu (alt- és szopránszaxofon) csatlakozott a zenekarhoz, mindketten addig a fenomenális Istanbul Blues Company jól ismert tagjai voltak. Keskiner érkezésével a Moe Joe repertoárjában a saját szerzeményeik kerültek túlsúlyba. 1998-ban az együttes zenei teljesítménye csúcsára ért a szájharmonika-virtuóz, fuvolaművész Tugrul Aray csatlakozásával. 1996-ban és 1997-ben az Efes Pilsen Blues Fesztiválon lehetőségük nyílt arra, hogy olyan legendákkal osszák meg a színpadot, mint Guitar Shorty, Eddie Kirkland és Nappy Brown. Miután 2000-ben kiadásra került debütáló albumuk, a Chicago Istanbul Mainline, számos magazinban, weboldalon, rádióban és tévécsatornán adtak interjút és vendégszerepeltek. 2001-től karibi, brazil és kubai ritmusok jelentek meg zenéjükben, majd rövid ideig free jazz zenészekkel dolgoztak együtt. Októberben Live in 2002 & 2009 címmel tizenegy számot tartalmazó lemezük jelent meg, mely Isztambulban, Ankarában és Izmirben rögzített koncertfelvételeiket tartalmazza. A csakis digitálisan kiadott anyag egy veterán török blueszenekar sokszínűségét mutatja be.

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new release Bone Union Records

Recently we released:

BUR 1118 – MoeJoe – Live in 2002 & 2009

MoeJoe, now respectively known as “the ever first electric blues band in Turkey” was founded by Feramerz Ayadi, İzi Ergil and Vefa Karatay in 1994, in Istanbul. Instead of other contemporary blues rock bands which were keen to cover the scholastic repertoire of 60’s and 70’s alumnis, Moe Joe chose a different path to follow by putting an emphasize on covering the milestones of post-war Chicago blues repertoire thus, choosing to struggle hard on the club scene for finding a venue in late 90’s. Hence, in time, the venues hosting the performances of the band in various cities in Turkey became a shelter for local purist audiences.

In 1996, Sarp Keskiner (vocal, guitar, harmonica) and İlhan Babaoğlu (alto and soprano saxophone) joined the band; both were until then well – known members of phenomenal Istanbul Blues Company. Under guidance of Keskiner and Ayadi, Moe Joe centered upon Chicago Southside & Westside standards, spicy Detroit style boogies, early Texas shuffles and dark Louisiana grooves.

Between 1998 and 2001, the band set the heights for the musical quality of this genre on the national scene by adding harmonica virtuoso – flautist Tuğrul Aray to its line-up and back from NYC, enter Ergin Özler to take over the drum stool aiming at to bring the swinging authenticity to the sextet.

After releasing the “all originals” debut album, “Chicago Istanbul Mainline” in 2000, Moe Joe received rave reviews from national and international music media; having been interviewed and guested on various magazines, web sites, radio and TV channels.

From 2001 Caribbean, Brazilian and Afro – Cuban beats into their well-established sound, while stabilizing the line up as a quintet; with addition of Özün Usta (conga, djembe, cajon). Within this context, live recordings compiled in this album which were recorded in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir direct to DAT tapes feature the diversity of a veteran Turkish blues band, which is set to celebrate its 30th anniversary of foundation in 2024.

The music is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms.