A Moe Joe nevű formációt, amelyet „a valaha volt első törökországi elektromos blueszenekarnak” neveznek, Feramerz Ayadi és Vefa Karatay 1994 augusztusában alapította. Az együttes induláskor a háború utáni Chicago blues klasszikusokra helyezte a hangsúlyt, így idővel Törökország különböző városaiban a fellépéseiknek otthont adó helyszínek a helyi purista közönség menedékévé váltak. 1996-ban Sarp Keskiner (ének, gitár és szájharmonika) és Ilhan Babaoglu (alt- és szopránszaxofon) csatlakozott a zenekarhoz, mindketten addig a fenomenális Istanbul Blues Company jól ismert tagjai voltak. Keskiner érkezésével a Moe Joe repertoárjában a saját szerzeményeik kerültek túlsúlyba. 1998-ban az együttes zenei teljesítménye csúcsára ért a szájharmonika-virtuóz, fuvolaművész Tugrul Aray csatlakozásával. 1996-ban és 1997-ben az Efes Pilsen Blues Fesztiválon lehetőségük nyílt arra, hogy olyan legendákkal osszák meg a színpadot, mint Guitar Shorty, Eddie Kirkland és Nappy Brown. Miután 2000-ben kiadásra került debütáló albumuk, a Chicago Istanbul Mainline, számos magazinban, weboldalon, rádióban és tévécsatornán adtak interjút és vendégszerepeltek. 2001-től karibi, brazil és kubai ritmusok jelentek meg zenéjükben, majd rövid ideig free jazz zenészekkel dolgoztak együtt. Októberben Live in 2002 & 2009 címmel tizenegy számot tartalmazó lemezük jelent meg, mely Isztambulban, Ankarában és Izmirben rögzített koncertfelvételeiket tartalmazza. A csakis digitálisan kiadott anyag egy veterán török blueszenekar sokszínűségét mutatja be.
Boo Boo Davis was born and raised in Drew Mississippi. He is a survivor and belongs to the last generations of musicians that write and play the blues based on first hand experience of a hard life in the Mississippi Delta.
Boo Boo never learned to read or write but that did not prevent him to travel the world and share his music and thoughts with his audiences. Following his guiding spirit (that he calls Dave) Boo Boo found a way to deal with modern society. The blues helps him to keep his spirit high and survive day-to-day life. It deals with all the basic raw elements of life; good and bad, complicated and simple.
So far Boo Boo has released 9 CD’s on Black and Tan Records and his music was featured in several tv series, movies and commercials (A.o. Suits, Sons Of Anarchy, Resident Alien, The Recall, Marlboro, 5-Hour-Energy drink).
All songs on this compilation have been released before on Black and Tan Records between 1999 and 2019. They tell personal stories about Boo Boo; ranging from very trivial issues to deep thoughts about life. This is BOO BOO’S BLUES.
The music is available on all download and streaming platforms.
The new EP in the BLUESTRONICA series contains three new and instrumental trax. An eclectic mix of blues, other musical styles and electronic manipulation.
Over the years miXendorp released lots of music and did live sets at / in: FUSION FESTIVAL (Germany) SZIGET (Hungary) NORTH SEA JAZZFESTIVAL (Holland) DRANOUTER (Belgium) COGNAC BLUES PASSIONS (France). Plus clubs in Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Turkey and Italy.
A few quotes from the press:
DOWNBEAT (USA): “Without debasing or trivializing tradition, loops and beats explode with kinetic rhythmic energy.” SOUL M8 (UK): “This is raw creative energy.” MOJO (UK): “The intrinsic down-home qualities of the source material jostle intriguingly with the superimposed urban beats.”
The EP is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms.
Da gab es mal ausführliche Touren. Dann der Stillstand durch die Corona-Pandemie. Freunde sammelten Geld, damit sich der Blues-Künstler Boo Boo Davis über Wasser halten konnte. John Gerritse, Jan Mittendorp und Boo Boo Davis, der nun auf die 80 zugeht, haben für „The Trio 2008-2019“ (Black and Tan Records) ihre liebsten Stücke zusammengestellt. Eine berührende wie beachtliche Bilanz. Boo Boo Davis aus Drew/Mississippi schont weder seine Stimme noch hält er sich mit wildem Mundharmonika-Spiel zurück. Nicht weniger roh fährt die Gitarre mit wahnsinnigem Wah-Wah dazwischen oder poltert das Schlagzeug. Grandios, weil unverschämt direkt. „Hold Your Head Up“ heißt ein Song. Gute Maxime. Das haben die drei über eine lange Zeit hinbekommen.
A few months ago the guys from BACON FAT LOUIS send a few of their new tracks to miXendorp and asked him If he could make some remixes. The first remix was released in February 2023 and here is the second one.
The band, existing for almost ten years, has now definitely found their own way! No complicated bullshit just some hot steaming no-nonsense boogie with a little taste of that fine voodoo garage-sound and always keeping the Blues as the foundation.
Imagine in some RL Burnside, a slice of the Legendary Shack Shakers, some parts of Bob Log’s helmet, a few pieces of T-model Ford and a little bit of of Left Lane Cruiser.
All of that remixed by miXendorp and his bluestronica.
Ah, but is it blues?? Shortly after I “discovered” the blues back in the day via Mayall, Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac etc. I also got interested in electronic sounds c/o Tangerine Dream and similar bands. The two streams of music have been constants in my life since (among many others) to the point where now I make music it often starts with an ambient drone and adds bluesy slide. So the title of this alongside a cover photo of a complex modular synthesizer system piqued my interest. It’s a 3 track instrumental cd which he describes as “xperimental trance electro blues”. ‘Rimzi’ opens with blues harmonica wailing over I assume synth generated rhythm track with an almost North Mississippi Hill Country feel. Some nice guitar/slide thrown into the mix. ‘Precedence’ keeps the Hill Country vibe, opening with guitar then adding the beats, some nice overdriven guitar sounds in there as well. ‘SwingStraight’ opens with boogie bass and guitar sounds overlaid with vocal effects for an almost “standard” 12 bar. A review elsewhere has said “the down home qualities of the source material jostle intriguingly with the superimposed urban beats”, and I guess that describes it well. Not too much information available about miXendorp, so it’s difficult to know how much is live instruments and how much is electronically manipulated samples. Sounds good though. If you’re up for trance like blues, and not too sniffy about whether the sounds are live or electronically produced have a listen. Is it blues then? Well it sounds pretty bluesy and the ep has garnered lots of airplay on blues programs around the UK and Europe, so that sounds like a yes. Available from the usual digital platforms. Arthur Ely
As close buddies both born and raised in Izmir, Turkey and commissioned to compose numerous soundtracks for a massive radio drama project in 2007, Keskiner and Urgancıoğlu decided to take the next step to enhance and sustain their creative alliance, right after delivering the ordered bundle to test the limits of their sonic intersections.
Thus namely as Tabiat Brothers, both producers created a sonic mélange that display their warped ways of blending folk, blues, funk and tropicalia. Veterans of the Turkish indie scene are featured on various tracks namely as drummer – composer Orcun Basturk and drummer – composer Ozun Usta.
The music is released digital and available on all the download and streaming platforms.
Számosan akadtak olyanok, akik az új korok kihívásainak megfelelően megkísérlik megújítani a több mint százéves múltra visszatekintő blues műfajt. Közéjük tartozik a holland Jan Mittendorp is az egyszemélyes projektjével, a miXendorppal. A project indulása az elmúlt évtized elejére tehető, ekkor jelent meg az első lemeze, a Blues + Beat, amit Európa-szerte fellépések követtek. Mittendorp néhány hónapja új dalokat kezdett írni. Ezek a blues, jazz, world music, funk, techno és mindenféle más zenének az eredeti és eklektikus keverékét képezik. Az új nótákat tartalmazó négyszámos EP Xperimental Trance Electro Blues címmel novemberben digitális formában látott napvilágot. miXendorp nem áll le, jövő év elejére további felvételeket ígér.
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