Just released on KuvVer Records:

KR 603 – David Philips – Acoustic Cover Versions 1 EP

There are a few ways to do a cover version of a well known song. David Philips really enjoys taking the song to another genre completely, changing the feel and context of the song. It’s a fun game to play and can yield some surprising results. Another way he likes is to stay a little more true to the original but strip it down to the bare bones i.e. acoustic guitar and voice. A combination of these ideas is what these recordings are about. Freedom (Wham / George Michael) and Heart Of Glass (Blondie) are upbeat 80s pop hits turned back porch, country blues style numbers. (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay and Hit The Road Jack are songs he has always enjoyed a lot and this is his attempt to strip them down and add whatever of himself he can in to the mix without ruining the original feel. It’s a fine line we walk when covering classics and some say it shouldn’t be done, but David sees it as a fun musical challenge that requires a different type of musical kung fu than when performing his own original songs.