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news from Bone Union Records

Since our foundation in 2020, as you know we aimed, advocated and promised to present you to the most hidden gems of “Turkish blues society” and you all will remember that even than we strongly emphasized our intension to mine and “exhibit” all kinds of correlations that display “the unique marriage of grassroots heritage of Turkish blues, soul, funk and reggae scene with free impro / noise / free jazz scene”.

So from now on, we are proud to announce that our roster will be once in a while be ornamented by releasing some obscure releases that indicates the ecotones between roots music, funk and the ‘free impro’ scene of Turkey; as we salute the addition of the roster of KRONOVOX ARCHIVES (, an indie label founded in 2004 holding the magic keys to access to “never heard before” archives of the most adventurous baskets of Turkish free music scene.

Relevant to that fresh news and in line with our label’s mission, recently we are encouraging our artists to create reworks and remixes of previously released / unreleased materials that stands harmonious with our circular culture approach, which we had long ago adopted, announced and advocated.

So in brief; be ready to explore a curious sonic map that will display the wild diversity of Turkish contemporary underground scene; where musical notions of Blind Willie Johnson, Pere Ubu, Peter Tosh, Velvet Underground, The Fall or Arts Ensemble of Chicago may well indeed be blended together.

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review from Hungary

Koncertfelvétel a kultikus török zenekartól

A török Istanbul Blues Kumpanyası-t Sarp Keskiner és Salih Nazim Peker alapította 1993-ban, olyan hatvanas évek eleji formációk mintájára, mint a John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers és az Alexis Korner Blues Incorporated. Az együttes felállása folyamatosan változott, kísérleti terepet biztosított a korszak szinte minden isztambuli zenészének, akiket valamilyen módon kapcsolatba lehetett hozni a blueszal, gospellel, jazz-zel vagy a szabad improvizációs zenével. Fennállásuk alatt két lemezt készítettek: a Kökler 1996-ban került kiadásra, míg a Sair Zamanlart 1999-ben, mielőtt utolsó turnéjukra indultak volna. A nemzeti színtéren kultikus státusznak örvendő zenekar 2000-ben oszlott fel. A Bone Union Recordsnak köszönhetően március közepén napvilágot látott az együttes 1997-ben az Efes Pilsen Blues Fesztiválon adott koncertje. A digitális formátumban megjelent, Live at Efes Pilsen Blues Festival 1997 című EP történelmi hangdokumentum, egy olyan fiatal, lelkes zenészekből álló bandát mutat be, akik őszintén szerelmesek a fekete zenei elemekbe, miközben élettel teli húszas éveikben járnak.

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new single Mechanical Rooster

today we released on Bone Union Records

BUR 1113 – Mechanical Rooster – Harmonicats

As locals of Denizli, founded in 2016 by Mustafa Kaçar and Onur Çağlar in Izmir, Turkey; Mechanical Rooster is proud to present their new single after their debut album: “Episode One”. 

Supervised by Turkish blues veteran / producer Sarp Keskiner, the band suggests an innovative formula by blending urban blues with old school hip hop while preaching their idiosyncratic view on daily issues in a cut-up tradition, reminding pioneers of the Beat Generation. Keep on blowin’, bend it deep! 

The track is released digital only and available on all streaming and download platforms.

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review from Holland for Istanbul Blues Kumpanyasi

De Istanbul Blues Kumpanyasi werd in 1993 opgericht door Sarp Keskiner en Salih Nazim Peker, met als voorbeeld bluescollectieven uit de jaren zestig als John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, die ook steeds wisselende bezettingen hadden.

In Turkije heeft de band inmiddels een cultstatus, en als je de live-opnames hoort die gemaakt zijn tijdens het Pilsen Blues Festival in 1997 begrijp je ook waarom. Je hoort ze hier overigens in hun laatste line-up, voordat ze de kan opgingen van psychedelische underground extravaganza. Hier is het nog blues, gospel en jazz dat vakkundig door elkaar geroerd wordt.

Je kunt wel horen dat het puikje van de Istanbul-scene in deze band meespeelde, want ze spelen niet alleen met passie en overgave, maar luister ook eens naar die stemmen! En vlak die saxofonist ook niet uit. De energie spat van deze stomende band af. Mooi dat dit concert uit de archieven is opgedoken en nu is uitgebracht op een digitale ep met vijf nummers. Goed voor een lekkere adrenalinekick.

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review from Turkey

İstanbul Blues Kumpanyası otuz yıl önce kurulduğunda fırtına gibi esmiş, 1996 ve 1999 yılında yayınladığı “Kökler” ve “Sair Zamanlar” albümleriyle caz ve blues müziklere ait yakın tarihimizde silinmez izler bırakmıştı. Aradan geçen yıllara rağmen kült olan albümler hâlâ aynı hızla dinlenmeye devam ediyor. Sarp Keskiner ve Salih Nazım Peker tarafından kurulan İstanbul Blues Kumpanyası kurulduğu günlerde John Mayall’ın Bluesbreakers grubunun kolektif modelini örnek alarak modüler bir topluluk yapısı oluşturmuştu. Keskiner ve Peker merkezli topluluk İstanbul merkezli caz, blues, gospel ve doğaçlama müziklere uzanan müziğinde farklı müzisyenlerle oluşturduğu deneysel zemini yaratıcı bir işlevsellikle kullanmayı başarmıştı. Bu sayede, 1996 ve 1999 tarihli albümlerinde Tuğrul Aray, Vefa karatay ve Orçun Baştürk ile unutulmaz kayıtlara imza atmıştı.

Yılın sürpriz albüm haberi İstanbul Blues Kumpanyası’ndan geldi; Topluluğun 1997 tarihli Efes Pilsen Blues Festival konser kaydı ilk kez yayınlandı. Yaşı kırkı aşan müzikseverler Efes Pilsen Blues Festivali iyi hatırlar. İstanbul’un canlı müzik hayatında unutulmaz anılar bırakmıştır. Amerikan blues sahnesinin dünyaca ünlü isimlerini İstanbullu müzikseverlere dinleten ve harika konserlere imza atan festival artık yok ama anıları her daim taze.

Efes Pilsen Blues Festivalin 1997 tarihli festival programına dahil olan son topluluk İstanbul Blues Kumpanyası olmuştu. Bir sene önce, 1996 yılında ilk albümü “Kökler” ile dikkat çeken Kumpanya, bir sene sonra uluslararası festivalin sahnesinde yer almıştı. O yılın festivalinde Nappy Brown ve Eddie Kirkland gibi öne çıkan isimleri izlemişti müzikseverler. İstanbul Blues Kumpanyası’nın o sene festival kapsamında Hilton Convention Center’da verdiği konserin kaydını festivalin direktörü bizzat kişisel beğenisi nedeniyle DAT’a kaydetmiş, bu sebeple, 13 Martta yayınlanan konserin canlı kaydı kayıt kalitesi bakımından kulağa oldukça taze geliyor. Türkiye yakın müzik tarihine dair son yılların en heyecan verici kayıtlarından biri olduğuna inandığımız konser albümü 13 Martta Bone Union Records tarafndan yayınlandı ve şu an tüm dijital platformlarda mevcut. Albümü dijital formatta satın almak için bu linke tıklayın.

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new release Bone Union Records

Today we released :

BUR 1111 – VA – This is Bone Union Records, vol. 1

On this compilation you find a cross section of the music that was released on Bone Union Records in 2020 and 2021.

Founded in June 2020 by Sarp Keskiner (TR) and Jan Mittendorp (NL) in order to create a ground for mutual cultural exchange, BONE UNION RECORDS aims to document a neglected musical scene in Turkey not just by releasing archival material from mid-90’s to this date; but also keen on releasing brand new material from Turkish artists.

Though the scope mainly consist rare recordings of local traditional blues, urban blues and gospel acts, the material varies wildly by inclusion of folk, funk, dub, noise and experimental releases, that goes way beyond the borders of conventional blues. 


Nobody Has No Time (to Listen to Music Completely) – Kemal Begtas & Sarp Keskiner
Holy Shit – Mechanical Rooster
Glory Hallelujah #1 – Mama & Friends
Easy Life – Mechanical Rooster
Good Morning Little School Girl – The Old Ramblers
Republic Radio (live) – Great Republic of South
C. C. Rider – Mama & Friends
Driftin Blues – Senel Karatepe
Shame Shame Shame – The Old Ramblers
Black Eyed Dog – The Underdogs
So Worried – The Shrimps
Walkin Blues – Senel Karatepe
Viola Lee – The Old Ramblers
Come On In My Kitchen – Mama & Friends

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from SoulGuru

Das vor kurzem veröffentlichte Album „Hard Times“ enthält akustische Soloaufnahmen von Şenel Karatepe aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006. Der türkische Bluesmusiker versteht es, einen seidigen und flüssigen Stil zu kreieren, während er Klassiker von legendären Namen wie Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Charles Brown, Big Bill Broonzy und Ray Charles covert.

The recently released album “Hard Times” contains acoustic solo recordings by Şenel Karatepe from 2005 and 2006. The Turkish blues musician knows how to create a silky and fluid style while covering classics by legendary names such as Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Charles Brown, Big Bill Broonzy and Ray Charles.

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nice words for Bone Union Records from Germany

Auf der Suche nach Alternativen
Izmir ist so ein Ort in der Türkei, die so manchen Blues-Liebhaber kennt. Wie Senel Karatepe. Fein, dass er „Hard Times“ (Bone Union Records) vorlegt. Aufnahmen, die etwas mehr als 15 Jahre alt und nun digital verfügbar sind. Sie zeigen, wie gewandt Senel mit den Traditionalisten umgeht. Er ruft Größen wie Robert Johnson, Muddy Water oder Ray Charles auf. Nicht allein eine Verbeugung vor prägenden Musikern. Vielmehr eine tief empfundene Nähe. Überhaupt: Wer in die türkische Blues-Szene hineinhören möchte, sollte es mit „Mama’s Bag“ vom Mama & Friends probieren – ebenfalls auf Bone Union erschienen.

Looking for alternatives
Izmir is such a place in Turkey that many a blues lover knows. Like Senel Karatepe. Fine that he presents “Hard Times” (Bone Union Records). Recordings that are just over 15 years old and are now available digitally. They show how skilfully Senel treats the traditionalists. He calls for greats like Robert Johnson, Muddy Water or Ray Charles. Not only a bow to formative musicians. Rather, a deeply felt closeness. Anyway: If you want to listen to the Turkish blues scene, you should try “Mama’s Bag” by Mama & Friends – also released on Bone Union.

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AtticRadio on Senel Karatepe


When you think of “Blues” the mind usually conjures up images of dusty deserts, hot swamps, the deep south etc. But Turkish label Bone Union Records are flying the flag for proper blues with some incredible music straight from the heart of artists all over Eastern Europe.

Bone Union supports any musical efforts to improve the chances of exchange of blues and neighboring genres between Netherlands and Turkey. The label aims to document a neglected musical scene in Turkey, not just by releasing archival material from mid-90’s to this date; but also by releasing brand new material from Turkish artists. Black & Tan Records are committed to finding forgotten blues gems as well as representing brand new music. Though the scope mainly consist rare recordings of local traditional blues, urban blues and gospel acts, the material varies wildly by inclusion of folk, funk, dub, noise and experimental releases, that goes way beyond the borders of conventional blues.

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review from Hungary

Senel Karatepe a törökországi Lüleburgaz városban született, és jelenleg is ott él. Középiskolai tanulmányai alatt kezdett el érdeklődni a zene és a gitározás iránt. A Dokuz Eylül University Zenetudományi Tanszékének hallgatója volt, a diploma megszerzését követően zongoratanítást vállalt, de adatbázis-adminisztrátorként és weboldal-fejlesztőként is dolgozott. Jelenleg csakis zenéléssel foglalkozik. Bemutatkozó albuma, a Hard Times 2006-ban és 2007-ben rögzített dalokat tartalmaz, olyan előadóktól, mint Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Charles Brown, Big Bill Broonzy, Ray Charles és Eric Clapton. A lemez a holland Jan Mittendorp és a török Sarp Keskiner által alapított Bone Union Records gondozásában digitálisan jelent meg.