B&T 959 – Boo Boo Davis – Live And Almost Unplugged
So far all of Boo Boo’s records were cut in one take live in the studio, but without an audience. This is the first time we have released a record that is recorded live WITH an audience. Boo Boo, John and Jan are not famous for playing soft or subtle but sometimes they really take it down if the situation asks for it. Cafe de Amer is a small barn in the middle of nowhere in the north of Holland. Over the last twenty years this place has become a famous stage where musicians from all over the world come to play for music fans from all over the country. The place holds a maximum of 100 people and the distance between the musicians and the audience is less then 3 feet. Over the years Boo Boo has become a regular and this was his sixth show in De Amer. The recordings for this release are made with just one stereo microphone in the middle of a completely packed room.
This record will be released digital only and here are the links to a few popular platforms.
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