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review Boo Boo Davis from the UK

Boo Boo Davis—The Trio 2008 – 2019—Black & Tan B&T 356

Mississippi-born, Saint Louis-based drummer, harmonica player and especially gravel-voiced singer in the vein of Howling Wolf, Boo Boo Davis toured and recorded in Europe as a trio with Black & Tan Records boss Jan Mittendorp and John Gerritse during the timespan of the title. Sadly, all good things come to an end, and COVID put a stop to the tours, with all three men now deciding they’re now all getting a bit too old for this kind of junket. It’s a shame, but understandable – after all, Boo Boo was born in 1943 and is one of the few remaining bluesmen to have actually picked cotton in the Delta. Born on 3rd November, he’ll turn 80 this year.

So, what these guys have done is to pick fifteen of their favourite tracks from their shared discography. It’s a strong idea too – the releases have been varied, from the straight up down home Mississippi sound to blues electronica, and the hour’s worth of music here varies from the straight-forward raw sound of ‘Boo Boo Blues’ – which sounds like it should be on a 78 from Modern Records – ‘St. Louis Woman’ and ‘Cryin’ Woman’, all with fine harp and the last named with a strongly Rice Miller-ish vocal, on up to the blues-rock influenced approach of ‘Stay From The Casino’ and ‘Silvermine’ and the more mellow southern-soul styled ‘Why You Wanna Do It’.

A lovely collection then – it’s great to listen to, but it does also make me hope that these guys might yet agree to “never say never again”.

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review for Boo Boo Davis from Germany

Boo Boo Davis und besondere Begleiter

Da gab es mal ausführliche Touren. Dann der Stillstand durch die Corona-Pandemie. Freunde sammelten Geld, damit sich der Blues-Künstler Boo Boo Davis über Wasser halten konnte. John Gerritse, Jan Mittendorp und Boo Boo Davis, der nun auf die 80 zugeht, haben für „The Trio 2008-2019“ (Black and Tan Records) ihre liebsten Stücke zusammengestellt. Eine berührende wie beachtliche Bilanz. Boo Boo Davis aus Drew/Mississippi schont weder seine Stimme noch hält er sich mit wildem Mundharmonika-Spiel zurück. Nicht weniger roh fährt die Gitarre mit wahnsinnigem Wah-Wah dazwischen oder poltert das Schlagzeug. Grandios, weil unverschämt direkt. „Hold Your Head Up“ heißt ein Song. Gute Maxime. Das haben die drei über eine lange Zeit hinbekommen.

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new compilation Boo Boo Davis

today we released

Between 2008 and 2020 Boo Boo Davis, John Gerritse and Jan Mittendorp worked intensively with this trio.

Together they did lots of touring; hundreds of live shows in more than 20 countries (from Lithuania to the Azores and from Norway to Turkey). They performed at almost all major blues (and jazz) festivals / clubs in Europe (North Sea Jazz, Peer, Montreux, Amal etc.).

Besides the live touring they recorded and released six albums with all original music. The music from these records was featured in several tv series, movies and commercials like Suits, Sons Of Anarchy, Graceland, Resident Alien, The Recall, 911, Taken, Truth To Be Told, Marlboro, 5-Hour-Energy drink etc.).

Unfortunately, covid changed everything and made them stop very sudden in 2020. Now 3 years later they decided to leave it as it is. They are not getting any younger and touring the way they did is very intense (just 3 guys without a road crew).

So instead of investing another two years in trying to “get this show (maybe) on the road” again they prefer to enjoy the great memories and do other things. It was a great adventure and there still is a lot of great music.

On this album you will find 15 of their favorite tracks.

The compilation is available on all stream and download platforms.

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review Boo Boo Davis in ABS Magazine (France)

À 75 ans, le natif de Drew, Mississippi, présente son 11ème CD pour le label néerlandais de Jan Mittendorp, Black & Tan Records. Avec le boss du label, l’osmose a été immédiate et perdure au fil des ans pour délivrer, d’album en album, un blues hypnotique et créatif. En effet, malgré le nombre de disques, on ne se lasse pas d’entendre Boo Boo souffler à corps perdu dans son harmonica, déclamer ses textes sur une base syncopée comme dans l’excellent Chocolate, l’accompagnement minimaliste de Jan à la guitare ou l’association basse-batterie faisant le reste. Ce qui pouvait un peu déranger lors de précédents albums, à savoir une direction affichée vers un esprit « garage », est ici gommée à mon avis avec succès. Boo Boo écrit ses textes, parle de la vie, parfois avec humour, raconte des histoires et les onze titres défilent sans qu’on s’en aperçoive. Stay Out All Night, What’s The Matter With You Baby sont marquants d’un changement de cap dans l’esprit que les protagonistes ont voulu donner à cet album, faisant fi des effets et autres échos (parfois top néanmoins dans les précédentes sessions) pour revenir à des choses simples, à une musique dépouillée, pour notre plus grand plaisir.

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review Boo Boo Davis on Rootsville (B)

James “Boo Boo” Davis laat terug van zich spreken. De nu al 75 jarige Delta bluesman bracht nog met regelmaat enkele singles en re-releases uit maar vanaf maart pronken ze bij “Black & Tan Records” met een nieuwe full CD vol met originele nummers. Op deze “Tree man” vinden we 11 nummers terug waarvan er 10 het bordje “nieuw” op zich mogen spelden. Eéntje betreft hier een nummer uit 2002 dat in een nieuw arrangement werd gegoten. Desalniettemin gaat het hier over origineel werk van “Boo Boo Davis”. We moeten al terug tot 2015 toen zijn “Oldskool” op de markt kwam maar kunnen en mogen uiteraard niet verwachten dat iemand van zijn leeftijd en steker nog met zijn staat van dienst ons ieder jaar weer komt te verrassen. De laatste “live” ontmoeting met Boo Boo dateert al dan 2015, toen in de Missy Sippy te Gent samen met zijn vaste kompanen Jan Mittendorp en John Gerritse. De blues van Boo Boo Davis is herkenbaar aan zijn eigen harpgrooves, maar allen kennen we natuurlijk ook zijn aanstekelijke “Thank You Day”, een yell die je al onmiddellijk na de openingstrack “Dirt Road” op ons wordt los gelaten. Na twee laid back bluesjes komt Boo Boo Davis met “Stay out All Night Long” terug onder stoom. Onwaarschijnlijk waar hij als 75-jarige nog die kracht vandaan haalt op zijn Mississippi Saxofoon. Swingend alom in die mate zelfs dat we zelf even moeten op adem komen na deze floorfiller. Thank You Day! Even een onvervalst country bluesje en tijd voor een cool down met “She Won’t Call Me on the Telephone”. Ondanks weerom een jaartje meer op de teller hoor je niet het minste onderscheidt van toen we deze Delta man een eerste maal zagen op onze podia, en ook dat is al een tijdje geleden. We herinneren ons nog zo Blues Peer editie 2009. Het album is een mix van diepe Delta swamp zoals titeltrack “Tree man” en meer uptempo bluesje als het afsluitende “I’m Getting Old”. Kortom een weerom meer dan behoorlijk statement van Boo Boo Davis met deze “Tree Man” waarvoor Thank You Day…

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review Boo Boo Davis from the UK

Boo Boo Davis “Tree Man” (Black & Tan B&T 045)
Mississippi born and long-time Saint Louis based bluesman James “Boo Boo” Davis is one of the last to have sung the blues in the cotton fields, and his music is the real deal. For many years now he has been working with Dutch label Black & Tan – with label boss Jan Mittendorp on guitar and drummer John Gerritse. Sometimes they will go for a specific idea – say, showcasing Boo Boo’s soul side – but for this set the focus is firmly o producing a straight-forward, down home blues set. Some of these songs are slow-ish, brooding compositions in the vein of Howling Wolf (Davis’ voice certainly suits this kind of thing – led an ear to the title track, or ‘What’s The Matter With You Baby’), whilst ‘She Won’t Call Me On The Telephone’ is nicely up tempo and raucous, and ‘Bring My Baby Back Home’, with some slight soul tinges, is perhaps the smoothest number here – though it’s not that smooth! Boo Boo plays harp too on this set – he is not a virtuoso by any means, but he does the job perfectly well, and that comment goes for the whole album, no showboating or ego-tripping, just real blues the whole way.

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Boo Boo Davis – European Tour

Next week we (Boo Boo Davis, John Gerritse and myself) will start our next European Tour. First ten shows in Spain and that another fifteen shows in Holland, Germany and Switzerland.

Oct 19, Cangas (E), Sala Son
Oct 20, Zamora (E), La Cueva del Jazz
Oct 21, Ermua (E) Auditorio
Oct 22, Segovia (E), Auditorio La Carcel
Oct 23, Sevilla (E), Sala X
Oct 24, Estepona (E), Louie Louie
Oct 25, Valencia (E), 16 Toneladas
** Oct 26, Madrid (E), Tempo
Oct 27, Mataros (E), Clap
Oct 28, Tarazona de la Mancha (E), Sala Star
Nov 1, Wetzikon (CH), Kulturfabrik
Nov 2, Zug (CH), Chicago Music Bar
Nov 3, Sommeri (CH), Loewen Arena
Nov 4, Dinslaken (D), Brio’s Beat’n’Eat
Nov 5, Veghel (NL), CHV Noordkade
Nov 6, Passau (D), Cafe Museum
Nov 7, Obing (D), zur Post
Nov 8, Munchen (D), Garage de Luxe
Nov 9, Heilbronn (D), Cave 61
Nov 10, Maastricht (NL), Magisch Theatertje
Nov 12, Amen (NL), Cafe de Amer (almost unplugged)
Nov 17, Haarlem (NL), Haarlemse Bluesclub
Nov 19, Deventer, De Hip (almost unplugged)
Nov 24, Bielefeld (D), Bielefelder Jazzclub
Nov 25, Winnweiler (D), zum Donnersberg

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Boo Boo Davis live review / Passau (Germany) last week

Wow – so wenig braucht es, um Delta-Blues in maximaler Intensität zu spielen, denkt man zu Beginn des Konzerts, auf das Bluesfans schon lange hingefiebert haben. Als einer der letzten Überlebenden der Ursprünge des Mississippi-Blues wird der 73-jährige Boo Boo Davis angekündigt. Und auch die Niederlande bringen Deltafeeling hervor, wie Blues-Gitarrist Jan Mittendorp und Schlagzeuger John Gerritse beweisen. Mittendorp ist ein Meister des Grooves, beherrscht in stoischer Gelassenheit markige Bassläufe, zwischen die er melodische Akkorde setzt. Jede Nummer erhält ein um wenige Maschen abgeändertes Bassmuster, für Boo Boo Davis stets das genau Richtige. Davis verbindet Gesang und Harmonikaspiel reibungslos und geschickt Akzente setzend. Seine Stimme bietet er in zwei Lagen an, mal gepresst, mal unverhohlen klagend. Auch die lautere Variante behält durchwegs einen geerdeten Grundton. Ohne je am Mississippi-Delta gewesen zu sein, wo Davis aufgewachsen ist, glaubt man: So singt nur, wer von dort kommt. Nach jedem Stück dankt Davis erst dem Publikum, dann – gen Himmel schauend – “Dave”, seinem guten Geist . . .

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Boo Boo Davis / european tour dates

March 24, Strasbourg (F), Au Camionneur
March 25, Aachen (D), Musikbunker
March 26, Rostock (D), Zwischenbau
March 27, Bad Brambach (D), Cafe Grenzland
March 28, Passau (D), Cafe Museum
March 29, Passau (D), Cafe Museum
March 31, Ulft (NL), DRU Cultuurfabriek
April 1, Friedrichsrode (D), Kunsthof
April 2, Koln (D), Torburg
April 6, Groningen (NL), Noise of the North @ de Spiegel
April 7, Rorschach (CH), Jazzclub
April 8, Thun (CH), Cafe Mokka
April 14, Deventer (NL), De Hip
April 15, Arnstadt (D), Rockjungfer
April 16, Döbeln (D), KL 17 Liveclub
April 19, Lublin (PL), Graffiti
April 20, Olomouc (CZ), Bounty Rock Cafe
April 21, Dobromierz (PL), Dobro Blues
April 22, Lodz (PL), Pub Keja
April 23 (afternoon), Chorzow (PL), Sztygarka (Bluestracje)
April 23 (evening), Suszec (PL), Gminny Ośrodek Kultury
April 24, Mikolow (PL), Miejski Dom Kultury
April 25, Ostrava (CZ), Klub Parnik

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review Boo Boo Davis from Italy

Prendete un locale sperduto nel Nord dell’Olanda, infilateci un pubblico partecipe (cosa ormai rara) e un trio che suona un blues sincero e che gli piace farlo. Risultato? Un onesto disco di blues che ti viene vo- glia di riascoltare immaginando di poter essere stato tra i fortu- nati presenti. Questo trio è capitanato da Boo Boo Davis, un mississippiano DOC, nato e cresciuto a Drew nel cuore del Delta, e questo lo si capisce alla prima battuta. Certo che aver avuto a casa propria personaggi come John Lee Hooker, Elmore James o Robert Pete Williams, intenti a suonare col proprio padre, non dev’essere un’esperienza da tutti i giorni e, forse, qualcosa di quelle magiche atmosfere deve per forza esserti rimasta dentro. Sia come sia questa magia emerge da questo “Live And Almost Unplugged” e ci rega- la una sana lezione di blues, dove quel che conta è quel che si dice e non quel che si fa. Lezione che dovrebbero imparare tutti coloro che si approcciano al blues come se fosse una competizione col diavolo o più semplicemente con gli altri “colleghi”. Partita persa prima che inizi, cari miei e il settantatreenne Boo Boo Davis ve lo può dimostrare. Un solo microfono al centro della sala del piccolo Cafe de Amer, il pubblico a due passi e il concerto ha inizio. Boo Boo con la sua armonica e voce è sostenuto da un ottimo Jan Mittendorp alla chitarra e da John Gerritse alla batteria. Non serve altro. Il loro blues fa tutto, dall’iniziale “Ice Storm” via via fino alla conclusiva “St. Louis Woman”, tutti brani scritti da questo trio. È difficile stabilire quale sia la miglior canzone, l’abilità di questi musicisti è quella di aver creato un tappeto sonoro capace di coinvolgere il pubblico olandese come l’ascoltatore a casa, portandolo con l’immaginazione nelle terre piatte del Mississippi dove le ombre al tramonto si allungano sui campi come fantasmi e al crocicchio gli alberi la notte si trasformano in diavoli tentatori. Allora, non esitate, fatevi ten- tare da Boo Boo Davis, qualcosa da insegnarvi lui ce l’ha.