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review for Boo Boo Davis from Germany

Boo Boo Davis und besondere Begleiter

Da gab es mal ausführliche Touren. Dann der Stillstand durch die Corona-Pandemie. Freunde sammelten Geld, damit sich der Blues-Künstler Boo Boo Davis über Wasser halten konnte. John Gerritse, Jan Mittendorp und Boo Boo Davis, der nun auf die 80 zugeht, haben für „The Trio 2008-2019“ (Black and Tan Records) ihre liebsten Stücke zusammengestellt. Eine berührende wie beachtliche Bilanz. Boo Boo Davis aus Drew/Mississippi schont weder seine Stimme noch hält er sich mit wildem Mundharmonika-Spiel zurück. Nicht weniger roh fährt die Gitarre mit wahnsinnigem Wah-Wah dazwischen oder poltert das Schlagzeug. Grandios, weil unverschämt direkt. „Hold Your Head Up“ heißt ein Song. Gute Maxime. Das haben die drei über eine lange Zeit hinbekommen.

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new compilation Boo Boo Davis

today we released

Between 2008 and 2020 Boo Boo Davis, John Gerritse and Jan Mittendorp worked intensively with this trio.

Together they did lots of touring; hundreds of live shows in more than 20 countries (from Lithuania to the Azores and from Norway to Turkey). They performed at almost all major blues (and jazz) festivals / clubs in Europe (North Sea Jazz, Peer, Montreux, Amal etc.).

Besides the live touring they recorded and released six albums with all original music. The music from these records was featured in several tv series, movies and commercials like Suits, Sons Of Anarchy, Graceland, Resident Alien, The Recall, 911, Taken, Truth To Be Told, Marlboro, 5-Hour-Energy drink etc.).

Unfortunately, covid changed everything and made them stop very sudden in 2020. Now 3 years later they decided to leave it as it is. They are not getting any younger and touring the way they did is very intense (just 3 guys without a road crew).

So instead of investing another two years in trying to “get this show (maybe) on the road” again they prefer to enjoy the great memories and do other things. It was a great adventure and there still is a lot of great music.

On this album you will find 15 of their favorite tracks.

The compilation is available on all stream and download platforms.