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review miXendorp from Hungary

Négyszámos EP-vel jelentkezett miXendorp

Számosan akadtak olyanok, akik az új korok kihívásainak megfelelően megkísérlik megújítani a több mint százéves múltra visszatekintő blues műfajt. Közéjük tartozik a holland Jan Mittendorp is az egyszemélyes projektjével, a miXendorppal. A project indulása az elmúlt évtized elejére tehető, ekkor jelent meg az első lemeze, a Blues + Beat, amit Európa-szerte fellépések követtek. Mittendorp néhány hónapja új dalokat kezdett írni. Ezek a blues, jazz, world music, funk, techno és mindenféle más zenének az eredeti és eklektikus keverékét képezik. Az új nótákat tartalmazó négyszámos EP Xperimental Trance Electro Blues címmel novemberben digitális formában látott napvilágot. miXendorp nem áll le, jövő év elejére további felvételeket ígér.

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new EP miXendorp

Today we released:

B&T 994 – miXendorp – Xperimental Trance Electro Blues EP

A few months ago miXendorp started to write and record new music. He calls it ‘xperimental trance electro blues’; an original and eclectic mix of blues, jazz, world, funk, techno and all kind of other great music with a beat. But as Steve Martin said: “Talking about music is like dancing about architecture”. So I suggest you just listen and make your own judgement.

During the past few months we already put out three singles and today we released this EP with another four new instrumental trax. The new EP is released digital and available on all download and streaming platforms.

miXendorp is pretty productive and we expect more new music from him early 2023.

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new single miXendorp feat Boo Boo Davis

today we released:

Since a few months miXendorp started to write and record new tracks. He calls it ‘xperimental trance electro blues’. 

This is the third single from these new works and this one also features his old buddy Boo Boo Davis on harmonica.

For next month we are preparing the release of an EP with more new tracks.

You can find loads of miXendorp music at:

Spotify (released tracks)
MixCloud (dj sets)

The new track is available on all the digital platforms.

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new single miXendorp

today we released a new single on Black and Tan Records:

B&T 991 – miXendorp – Eagger

After a hiatus of a few years miXendorp recently started to write and record new tracks. He calls it xperimental trance electro blues.

After the release of Alogna last month we released a second single today and for November we are preparing the release of an EP with 4 more new trax.

You can find loads of miXendorp music at:

Spotify (released tracks)
MixCloud (dj sets)

This single is released digital only and available on all the download and streaming platforms.

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new single miXendorp

today Black and Tan Records released

B&T 990 – miXendorp – Alogna

It has been quit for while but here is a new original track from miXendorp.

We would describe the new track as xperimental trance electro blues“.

But since talking about music doesn’t make much sense I suggest you just listen and enjoy.

Expect no ‚music for the millions’ but an original and eclectic mix of blues with jazz, world, funk, techno and all kind of other great music with a beat.

Over the years miXendorp released lots of music and did live sets at / in.

  • SZIGET (Hungary)
  • DRANOUTER (Belgium)
  • clubs in Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Turkey and Italy.

A few quotes from the press:

  • DOWNBEAT (USA): Without debasing or trivializing tradition, loops and beats explode with kinetic rhythmic energy
  • SOUL M8 (UK): This is raw creative energy
  • MOJO (UK): The intrinsic down-home qualities of the source material jostle intriguingly with the superimposed urban beats.

You can find loads of miXendorp tracks and DJ sets at:

This single is released digital only and available on all the download and streaming platforms.